銀座シェトモでは、一年以上前から原材料を出来る限り無添加、オーガニックの食材に切り換えた。当初付き合いのある業者に聞いてもみなお手上げ 白旗常態。そんなことを頼まれたこともないと。ごく一部のパティシェぐらいしか使うところがなく仕入れ値段も2~3倍になるのでレストランでは皆無だと。ならば自分達で業者探しからはじまった。料理になった時点で目で見てわからず、食べても判りずらいものにこだわる時代がもうすぐ来る予感がする。最終的にたどり着くのは地球に優しいおこない。
At GINZA chez tomo, we have been trying to switch most of our ingredients to additive-free and organic for a year. All of our usual suppliers have thrown their hands up. And mentioned none of our customers had such a request before, may be only a few patissiers. To top it all, the purchase prices of these ingredients are twice or three times more, for restaurant usage it is zero to none. So we have started from finding the suppliers.
I believe soon there will be the time when people start to care more about our only planet Earth. And the Dishes made with care nay be heard to see or heard to recognize the taste but will mean more to them.